Self-Care: Its Components, Struggles, and Positive Impacts

It can be hard to find time for self-care, but it can be extremely beneficial for not only our recovery but our overall well-being.
Self-care involves focusing on your psychological and physical well-being. Since it is a personal journey that is different for everyone, it does not merely involve getting massages, using crystals, or meditation, although those may be a part of your journey. Self-care is paying attention to your mind and body and then giving yourself what you need to be happy and healthy. It may involve going hiking, sitting in your favorite place while reading, listening to your favorite music, dancing, or anything that brings you joy and promotes a positive attitude. Self-care changes to meet your needs as you grow, as you age, and as your interests transform along with your life.

The Components of Self-Care

Self-care is individualized and may involve:

  • Relaxation
  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Spending quality time with friends and family

In fact, not engaging in enough self-care can lead to feelings of guilt. When you feel that you are failing at taking care of yourself, it may lead to depressive feelings or exhaustion. We may work too much and neglect our family, friends, intimate relationships, and even ourselves. Thus, efforts in work, school, and relationships may suffer. Being physically and psychologically healthy leads to better outcomes and easier living. Therefore, engaging in self-care promotes self-confidence, and it is important for our well-being and those around us. Self-awareness is imperative so that you can monitor your feelings and understand your boundaries. It is also essential to give yourself a break and allow yourself to fail at self-care sometimes and fail at fulfilling responsibilities at other times. The work-life balance always fluctuates, and we must go with the flow and understand that this is just the way life goes. 

The Struggles of Finding Time for Self-Care

It seems like a constant challenge to find time for anything we want to do, and especially when it comes to activities involving self-care. For college students and full-time workers, responsibilities, and obligations may make it feel impossible to find the time to engage in self-care. Multiple responsibilities, such as maintaining relationships, raising families, and sustaining work or school duties, may make it difficult to make time for other activities. Relaxing and having fun take the back seat to life’s obligations, and self-care gets put on the back burner. Today’s world is hectic and demanding, seemingly creating an environment of perpetual tasks. There is always somewhere to be, something you have to do, or someone you have to meet. However, not practicing self-care leads to psychological issues and possible subsequent substance use disorders. 

How Self-Care Positively Impacts Your Life

Self-care impacts oneself and everyone around them by the following:

  • It is managing your stress. Studies prove that stress can kill you. It can lead to immunity and digestion problems, heart attacks, and strokes. The risks increase for older individuals. Stress comes from every facet of life, such as home life, financial woes, family problems, and work. Taking time to take care of ourselves helps to battle stress, calming us, and therefore benefiting our bodies and minds. 
  • It is preventing burn-out or becoming downright exhausted and overwhelmed in our lives. Burn-out involves feelings of depression, lethargy, pessimism, and a refusal to perform daily functions. Self-care can prevent burn-out from occurring.
  • It is helping you refocus on yourself. Taking just a few minutes each day for self-care helps to refocus and invigorate one’s mind. Even a simple walk in the woods, or taking a few moments of complete quiet can relax your mind and get you back to a place where you feel good about yourself, your mind, and your body.
  • It is improving your overall happiness. Taking care of yourself improves your outlook on life and makes you happier. Happiness is important, and it looks different for everyone, which is why cultivating self-care techniques that make you happy are so important. Being happy makes you productive in all areas of your life. 

Key Takeaways

All you need is a few minutes every single day, and it will improve your mental health and your life. It is the smallest commitment we can make in our daily lives, yet the majority of us don’t. Some people think self-care is selfish, or that they think it’s simply a waste of time. Some people would like to engage in self-care, but do not have time due to busy lives and feel guilty indulging in time for themselves. Other people don’t know what self-care is, or how to engage in its pursuit. Whatever the reason, it is time for everyone to practice taking a little time for themselves. Happiness and good mental health have no age limit. Do what you want, make the time, and do what makes you happy. No guilt. No shame. Whatever makes you feel peace, happiness, and balance is how you should fill your time

Just taking a few minutes for each day to focus on yourself can improve your life and, therefore the lives of those around you. It is important to understand that it is not selfish to take time for yourself and you should not feel guilty doing so. Neglecting self-care is detrimental to your health, being unhappy and stressed may lead to substance use, and subsequent substance use disorders involving drugs or alcohol.

The Bridge NYC is a boutique luxury sober living facility for men seeking a concierge experience to balance outpatient programs, school, or work-life resulting in a sustainable, lasting recovery. It’s a home where you can practice a program of self-care. Call (646) 928 0085 today for more information about admissions or The Clean Fun Network.

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We’re looking forward to having you at The Bridge NYC.

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